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Helping a teething baby with #PureHazelwood

Helping a teething baby with #PureHazelwood

I have always believed that there are natural ways to help ease many of life’s pains. This includes teething. We are 2 teeth in with Finley and you would think being my third child and all I would have all of the answers to this whole teething thing – but I don’t. I do however have a Pure Hazelwood teething necklace.

Somewhere between packing up a town house and unpacking into a house our original teething necklaces disappeared. This left me thinking that I could survive without one. The crying, the drooling, and the overall grumpiness soon became too much to bare. I was yearning for my happy baby to come back.

After a few days of Finn wearing his Pure Hazelwood teething necklace it was apparent that I was crazy, and shouldn’t have waited. You see Hazelwood is rich in anti-inflammatory molecules, which help to relieve symptoms related to inflammation. What does that mean? It means that it can help with joint paint associated with arthritis, skin problems such as eczema + psoriasis, heartburn, mouth sores, and yes even teething!

When it comes to the teething necklaces, safety is one of my top priorities. The 11 and 13-inch necklaces have fasteners that will release if there is any tension. Because there are wire clamps on the necklace they will hold the beads in place making it so that no small pieces come off. 

Harvested from the Canadian Boreal forest Pure Hazelwood products are made of 100% natural Hazelwood. Having been around for more than 18 years they are the world leader on the market of Hazelwood products which definitely shows in their product. 

Want to see the selection of necklaces, bracelets, and skin care products that Pure Hazelwood has to offer?

One last thing! Pure Hazelwood wants to give you the opportunity to win one of three Pure Hazelwood prizes, which include a $50 gift card and a Pure Hazelwood product (valued at $50). Just enter via the widget!

Pure Hazelwood Influence Central Contest


Disclosure: I am part of the Pure Hazelwood Influencer Campaign and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.

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