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Helping kids understand their emotions. The Adventures of Napkin Man online interactive episodes (+ $100 Visa Giftcard giveaway)

Napkin Man

As a kid, knowing that you don’t feel happy is one thing but being able to express in words that you are feeling sad or embarrassed and knowing how to create solutions to those feelings is something entirely different. This is where The Adventures of Napkin Man online interactive episodes come in.

Recently I sat down with Carter (5) and Sophie (3) to check out four of The Adventures of Napkin Man interactive episodes that are available online through Kids CBC. Each of the interactive episodes features a different emotion and teaches kids how to realize them and work on solutions. 

Napkin Man Interactive Episode themes

Fun for One (Feeling left out) – It’s okay to be alone at times but you can also make your own fun.
Get well soon (Empathy) – If you are feeling bad for someone else it can help to do something that will cheer him or her up.
Bad Hair Day (Embarrassment) – Sometimes we aren’t comfortable about our appearance, even from a simple hair cut. It’s important to remember that everybody feels this way sometimes and to have the courage to work through it.
Bye Bye Boogaloo (Loss) – If someone important in your life passes away, celebrate their life and the memories that you have of them.

Interactive activities

Throughout each of the 12 minute episodes there were also four interactive activities. These activities include creating music to match the moods of certain situations, matching games, a balloon pop it game, and more.

With the voice prompts the activities were easy enough to use that Sophie was able to manoeuvre them independently. They were also captivating enough that they entertained both Carter and Sophie, and still do. 

How the kids responded

The Adventures of Napkin Man interactive episodes have had an impact on Carter and Sophie in different ways. A little over a year ago we had to put our family cat Wishu down. When we watched the Bye Bye Boogaloo episode Carter was able to talk about how he felt about Wishu being gone and also talked about telling happy stories about Wishu to help him feel better.

Sophie on the other hand is very captivated with the cartoon aspect of Napkin Man. Every morning she wakes up and her first activity it to draw her own Napkin Man and pictures of situations that took place in each of the Napkin Man interactive episodes. While these pictures are not obvious to anyone else, to Sophie she is creating pictures where one friend is making another friend laugh.


Also make sure that you enter for your chance to win a $100 Visa Gift Card via the widget!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

“Disclosure: I am part of the Adventures of Napkin Man Online Influencer Campaign and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.”

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