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5 ways that you know you’re a parent when..

There are so many moments where you can look at it and say “You know you’re a parent when… ” These are 5 things that I have noticed as of recent. 


As I write this I have a load of laundry that is on it’s 3rd cycle. It has been in the washer since Monday! I can’t tell you how many times I have to re-wash clothes

Stealthy like a ninja

I don’t think I have ever learned how to open a bag of chips, chocolate bar, or heck even get a piece of gum from my purse so quietly and ninja like until now. Kid’s for some reason have selective super sonic hearing when it comes to this stuff and you know what, sometimes I don’t want to share! 


Until I had kids all things puke disgusted me. And now it’s like a typical kid thing. Who’s been projectile vomited on in the dark with no warning? –> This girl <– The pre-kid me would have screamed bloody murder..the mom of 3 kids me (who didn’t want to have to put 2 kids back to bed) calmly dealt with it. 

All things poop 

Seriously, I didn’t think that I would have as many conversations about poop as I do now. Size, consistency, smell, amount..examining..all of it. The other day as I was changing Finn’s diaper I noticed what looked like undigested grapes. Wait it gets better.. Yup it also felt like a grape. When you have kids, it’s like any boundaries go out the window. 

Your mom mentality doesn’t stop with the kids

Often when Kris and I are out I catch myself telling him I am going to the potty. Spelling has become a big thing too. If it’s just us out for dinner I often catch myself asking him is we should get d-e-s-s-e-r-t or go to a m-o-v-i-e. 

The reality is that once it sets in it doesn’t go away for a long time! What are some “You know you’re a parent when” things that you have to share. 

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