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You guys, we finally get to see Max & Ruby’s parents

It’s one of the most anticipated season premieres and it’s got nothing to do late night shows with lawyers, zombies, or whatever else you’re watching these days.

It’s been a topic at many mom’s groups that’s for sure. And well Kris and I – we’ve had the conversation too…after the kids have gone to bed…it’s been a couple of hours…and bam you realize you’re still watching Treehouse… (happens all too much..amiright?) 

Where are Max & Ruby’s parents?

While we have seen Grandma in many episodes, Max & Ruby’s parents (known as Mr & Mrs Bunny) have only been present in photograph form. 

How will they approach it? The show has been around for over 10 years – a long time for parents, in general, to not be around. What role will they play? Will we be able to see them? Will it just be their voices and then we’ll all have to wait another 10 years to see their faces? 

I know I’m not alone with these questions as a few thousand other people have asked them on the Treehouse Facebook page. Many theories, but definitely the answer to a decade old question. 

The new season of Max & Ruby starts on January 2nd at 9:15am ET and you can bet that we’ll be watching. Will you? 

Photo credit: Treehouse Facebook

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