With the beautiful Spring weather that we’re having here in Edmonton, there are also many new (or new to you) bike purchases happening! In partnership with the Edmonton Police Service, Bike Index is a bicycle registration service that can help to aid in the recovery of your bike should it get stolen.
Registering your bike with Bike Index is an easy process, and even better it’s also free. As a not-for-profit that has 950 community partners in Alberta and other countries in the world, they have over 340,000 cataloged bikes and thousands of daily searches.
What’s cool about Bike Index too is that it gives you options to register strollers, recumbent bikes, scooters, bike trailers, and even personal mobility devices just to name a few.
How Bike Index Works
Step 1. Visit www.bikeindex.org and signup for an account.
Step 2. If you’re purchasing a used bike, this is also a great tool to see if the bike that you’re purchasing is listed as stolen.
Step 3. Find your serial number, this is usually located in the area where the two pedal cranks meet. It is engraved into the bike.
Step 4. Once you’ve set up your account, it’s time to register. The more information that you are able to add, the better. Color, type of material used, colour, defining features, and more.
Step 5. You’re done and your bike is added to the Bike Index database should it ever be stolen.
While Bike Index is a free service, they do take donations which helps with the upkeep of their website and other things that help it to be the awesome resource that it is! You can choose the amount that you donate, and you can donate here.
Thank you for this post! Edmonton and EPS are absolutely going bonkers with the recoveries right now, so every registration counts. Thanks for helping us get more! If there’s ever anything you need from us, I’m [email protected]