At the beginning of June I had to have my IUD removed via day surgery with my OB as it just wasn’t happening any other way! While waking up from my anesthesia I had a small memory of telling my doctor that I loved him.
I had asked my attending nurse if this happened..and she nicely whispered to me “No dear, you told him that you were going to make him a card with vagina’s all over it and you were sorry if it offended his staff”.
Embarrassed, yup.. Funny, you bet. I had visions of the scene from Patch Adams where he helps with the hosting of a gynaecologists conference.
Fast forward to the day of my first appointment after becoming pregnant and I was a little embarrassed but my doctor didn’t mention the card- which leads me to think he has probably heard from pretty CRAZY things…?
What about you? What’s your “saying crazy things while coming out of anesthetic” story?