Frock Box: a monthly delivery of clothes
I feel like I have hit the fashion jackpot. I am a jeans and t-shirt girl, mostly from Old Navy – although I did branch out and recently purchase a tank from Superstore.. but I feel lately my wardrobe has been blah.. This is where Frock Box comes in.
Frock Box is a local business out of St.Albert started by 2 friends with a passion for fashion and of course some major experience in the retail world. And now they want to share it with you. For $49.95/month you get an outfit delievered to your door monthly. With sizes ranging from XS to 4XL they have something for everyBODY.
Don’t like going to the mall to shop, don’t have time, or maybe even the mere thought of taking 3 children into a mall so that you could find yourself something decent to wear makes you want to poke your eyeballs out (okay okay the last one is me..)
The process for how they choose your clothes for you is pretty cool.
Also don’t forget to follow Frock Box on Twitter to see what new fashions they bring in, deals, and much more!
I will be back with the unboxing of my Frock Box when it comes in the mail!! I can’t wait.
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