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Musical Fun in the Summer Sun Camp for kids 4yrs-7yrs


Music Together

If you have kids 4yrs-7yrs check out Musical Fun in the Summer Sun Camp run by Music Together of the Northern Lights.

For the third year Music Together will be offering their un-parented summer camps on 2 separate weeks – July 18th-21st + August 15th-18th.

Musical Fun in the Summer Sun

Kids will enjoy a large group music class every morning and will also participate in singing, dancing, crafts, and other programs such as Zumba and Tae Kwon Do. Different musical artists will also be scheduled throughout the week to give kids the opportunity to learn about different instruments.

Camp takes place at 5645 Riverbend Road and is everyday from 9:30am to 12:00pm. Cost for this summer camp is $125/child for the whole week. 

Register for summer camp

Have questions regarding Musical Fun in the Summer Sun Camp? Visit the Music Together website or call 780.484.9722. 


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