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A Labour of Love with the Lois Hole Hospital for Women

Lois Hole

My plan wasn’t to have Finn at the Lois Hole Hospital for Women, so when my OB told me that is was my only option due to Gestational Diabetes and complications from that I was a mixed bag of emotions. I also don’t deal with change well. 

I am a creature of habit so when something new or unknown comes my way I research. I come by it honestly and have earned the name ‘research ninja’ in many circles. What I found was nothing less than extremely comforting and even exciting. 

As a hospital that is dedicated to women’s health and a center for caring the Physicians, nurses, and all hospital staff at Lois Hole Hospital are focused on providing caring that goes above and beyond the standard level of care. How’s that for feeling comforted? Hospital change, no problem – I was in the best hands. 

Support for women of all ages and stages

Did you know that even though 50% of the population are women, the majority of research is done in males? Although this is concerning Lois Hole is undertaking research specifically for women to continue to ensure that they are the top centre for women’s health in Canada’s Northwest. 

From delivering over 7500 babies each year (that’s a kindergarten class a day!), their Pregnancy Pathways program initiative which supports maternal health needs for indigenous women in their communities, diagnosis, and treatment of gynecological cancers (including breast and ovarian cancer) and so much more the Lois Hole Hospital is a place for women of all ages and stages. 

[bctt tweet=”That over 7,500 babies are born each year at the @LoisHoleHosp. That’s a kindergarten class every day!” username=”anotheryegmommy”]

Although my plans didn’t go in the direction that I had originally hoped for, it was perfect none the less. Knowing that there is a centre like Lois Hole for Women in Edmonton also makes me just that more confident should anything arise in my future. 



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